Monday, March 9, 2009

Dental distress syndrome

Dental distress syndrome is a term often used to describe a disorder due to the misalignment of the temporomandibular joint ( jaw joint) and or the muscles that control the joint and balance the head on the spinal column. It is a collection of syndromes from head to stomach disorders and symptoms too numerous to mention here. The problems occur when the jaw joint and/or surrounding muscles do not work together properly. The misalignment of the TMJ may be due to bruxism (clenching of teeth), loss of teeth, whiplash, systemic diseases and osteoarthritis of the joint.

Myofacial Pain Syndrome:
Muscular dysfunction can give can give rise to referred pain. Head and neck pain associated with disturbance of musculature, joints and fascia (covering of muscles) is generally considered to be referred.

The myofascial syndrome is a trigger-mechanism that extends to all areas of the body. The symptoms are many such as tension headaches, acute pain, low back pain, sciatica, osteoarthritis of the hip pain, intermittent claudication, traumatic and postoperative pain, syndrome including those of the abdominal musculature and many other symptoms too numerous to mention here.Myofascial & TMJ syndrome if left untreated can set the stage for chronic disabling diseases.

The Wellness Approach:
The McKenzie Integrative Health Centre is a full service multidisciplinary, wellness based clinic, incorporating advanced laser technology in the treatment of neuromuscular syndromes, Myofascial & TMJ syndrome, dermatological conditions, Smoking cessation and immune enhancement. Our professional team is comprised of; Doctor of Homeopathy, Medical Acupuncturist, Nutritionist, Exercise Therapist and Certified Laser Technicians.
Our high quality, low intensity TheraLase ™ system is FDA and Health Canada approved.
•The therapeutic laser devices, also called ‘cold lasers’ do not produce heat and do not harm tissues.
•Laser work by supplying energy to the body in the form of billions of protons of light. The body absorbs this laser light on a cellular level and transforms it into chemical energy which is utilized in the process of repairs.
•The ‘biostimulating’ effect of laser therapy effectively leads to decreased inflammation, reduced pain, repaired tissues and restored nerve function.

The following integrative techniques are used individually or in combination to effectively eliminate and/or manage pain syndromes.

Neuromuscular Manipulative therapy:

Utilizes specific manipulative techniques aim at eliminating the causes of post neuromuscular pain patterns. This approach to muscular relief of pain will help to bring about balance between the muscular skeletal system and the nervous system. It enhances the function of joints biomechanics, (movement) and it releases endorphins (the body’s own pain killer) and is used an adjunct to other therapies.
Low Level Laser Therapy:

The use of lasers in medical treatment is one of the most exciting new developments of our age. Surgeons are using high powered lasers to accurately remove tissues and minimize scarring during surgeries.
Low level laser is used by Natural Medicine Practitioners to stimulate cell functions, enhance the immune system and promote rapid healing of wounds and pain management. This type of laser improves metabolic functions by improving cell membrane health, cellular energy production and healing and it is incorporated into many of our standard treatment protocols.
Aroma-Therapeutic Techniques:Aroma-therapeutics technique:
this is the application of essential oils from aromatic plants applied mainly on the spine, temples, back of the neck or via inhalation to strengthen the self-healing processes by indirect stimulation of the immune system. The depth of use of essential oils is quite wide, ranging from deep and penetrating therapeutic uses to subtlety less penetrating. Aroma-therapeutic technique is used as an adjunct to our other manual techniques.

Acupuncture therapy:
A procedure adapted from Chinese medical practice in which fine needles are inserted in specific points on the body for therapeutic purposes, to relieve pain or to produce regional anesthesia. It is used alone or in combination with other treatment modalities.
Partial List of conditions treated and responding well to Laser therapy.

Low Back Pain, Neck Pain Inflammatory Joint Pain/Arthritis, Heel Pain/Spurs, TMJ, Tendonitis, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Tennis Elbow/Golfer’ Elbow, Achilles Tendonitis, Sprain/Strain, Frozen Shoulder, Sciatica, Shingles, Wound Healing, Sinusitis, Otitis, Shingles, Bursitis, Post-Operative Pain, Acne, Fibromyalgia, Shin Splint, Motor Vehicle Injuries( Whiplash, Contusions etc).
Special Notes: When undergoing laser therapy you should abstain from smoking, drinking alcohol, strong tea and coffee, rich meals, confectionary and farinaceous foods. It is necessary to increase your fluid intake (water) 1.5 -2 times your normal daily intake (provided you are not susceptible to edema and has normal urination).Diet with products rich in vitamins (A, E, and C) and minerals is recommended.

Sheila McKenzie-Barnswell, R.D.H, H.D, PhD, D.Ac
Doctor of Homeopathy, Medical Acupuncturist & Registered Dental Hygienist


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